Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Welcome to the world, Audrey!

Audrey Sophia Magtanong

Born March 11, 2012 at 11:40am

6.7 lbs 19 inches long

She's here!!  After 39 weeks of waiting our baby girl has finally arrived.  And the labor story goes like this...

I was originally scheduled to be induced on March 13, even though my due date wasn't until the 16th.  My OB thought it would be a good idea since I had Gestational Diabetes, but based on my ultrasounds there was really no need to do it.  Audrey was healthy, my placenta was fine, amniotic fluid levels were perfect etc. -- So, I told her that I would prefer to cancel my inducement and give Audrey a chance to come on her own since I really wanted a non medicated birth.  I had pitocin (drug that starts contractions) with Jacob and I hated it.  I actually hated both the pitocin and epidural.  I didn't like how different my contractions felt after being given the pitocin, and I didn't like being strapped to a bed with a catheter attached to me because of the epidural.  My recovery afterwards was rough, as well, so this time around I decided that I would try to deliver without any of it.  I didn't know what to expect and I was scared, but hey...who isn't??

I had been having frequent braxton hicks contractions on Friday and Saturday, but I didn't think anything of it.  My water broke first, without having any contractions, when I was pregnant with Jacob, so I was convinced that it would happen the same way.  Early morning on March 11 around 6:30am I started having contractions that felt different.  They felt "crampy" and would go away as soon as my contractions were done.  I timed them....10 minutes apart.  This went on for a while till 7:30am.  Cramps became a little more intense....8 minutes apart.  I woke up Sam and told him that I thought I was in labor and to start getting ready.  At 8:30am contractions were 7 minutes apart.  I took a shower, got dressed (while bracing myself with each contraction), and left the house by 9:15am.  They said that you shouldn't leave for the hospital till your contractions are 5 minutes apart, but my OB told me not to wait too long since I was already 5 cm dilated at my last appointment.  She was afraid I wouldn't make it to the hospital in time with us living about 20 minutes away.  We arrived at the hospital by 9:30am and were checked into a room by 10am.  They did some fetal monitoring for a few minutes and then checked to see my progression....I was already 7cm.  Holy moly!!  I really was in labor!  This gave me a boost of energy and confidence to keep on laboring.  Sam and I hired a doula this time around to help me achieve a natural birth.  She was AMAZING and I highly suggest having one.  We were lucky because our insurance actually covered a doula, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to have one.  I walked around, used a birthing ball (my favorite) etc.  By 11am the contractions were incredibly intense.  They were coming so quickly, only leaving me with 30 seconds or so in between each one to breathe and get ready for the next one.  The doctor wanted to break my water, but I knew that breaking the water before it happens naturally could really change my contraction patterns.  I told the doctor I would rather wait.  At one point the only way I could get through my contractions was by breathing deeply and pushing.  I told the nurse that this was happening and she told me that I was probably fully dilated.  She checked me and I was definitely 10cm and my water had just broke.  Thank God!  The doctor came in, I pushed 4 times (holy crap that part hurt!!!) and she was out!!  Talk about the greatest relief in life.  I don't even remember delivering the placenta.  Haha.  

Minutes after Audrey was born.  My family! 
 Big brother!

As soon as she was born they put her on my chest and I was able to hold her for a good hour or so before they took her and weighed her.  The whole experience was amazing, and I couldn't have asked for a smoother delivery.  My last delivery with Jacob was a little stressful.  We were new parents in Colorado with no family around, and we pretty much went along with whatever the doctors and nurses told us we should do.  This time I felt in complete control of my labor.  I knew what my choices were and I wasn't afraid to fight for things I wanted - from laboring in my own clothes instead of a gown to how much fetal monitoring I wanted to what medications I wanted my baby to receive once she was born.  It was an incredibly empowering experience and I wouldn't mind having more babies if all my labors were like the one I just had.  After they took Audrey to weigh and measure her I was up walking and had so much energy!!  I really couldn't believe it.  My recovery has been very easy.

It has been almost 2 weeks since we've been home and everyone is doing well.  Tired...but well =)  Audrey is a much calmer baby than Jacob was.  She only cries when she is hungry and she is a great sleeper!  Jacob always needed to be held, which makes sense because he is an extremely affectionate love bug!  Audrey, on the other hand, doesn't mind sleeping in a bassinet by herself.  Haha!  Big brother is great.  He loves his baby sister and always wants to help.  Every time we go out to run errands he wants his baby sister to come with us.  Sam and I just make sure that whoever is not with the baby pays attention to Jacob.  

Thank you to everyone for the well wishes!  We feel so blessed and are thrilled for our new family of 4!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Full term!! 37 weeks

Tick tock, tick tock...when is baby Audrey going to come?  We've made it to 37 weeks, so she is good to arrive any time now!  I can't believe we'll be meeting her so soon. =)

Having gestational diabetes is a big deal.  I feel like I live at my OB office half the time.  Twice a week I go there for a regular check up, non stress test to observe the baby's activity, and an amniotic fluid check.  It is taxing, but I am thankful for the quality of care.  It is reassuring to know, every few days, that she is doing well.  On Tuesday I was 3cm dilated and my cervix was 70% effaced!

This past Friday I had a growth scan appointment with the perinatologist at the hospital.  This last ultrasound was to make sure that the baby isn't too big for me to have a natural delivery.  Thankfully she is measuring right at 37 weeks.  She weighs about 6.7lbs and they don't think she'll be more than 7 1/2 lbs at birth!  Woohoo!  She is head down with very little room in there.  I'm hoping she decides to come soon because the perinatologist doesn't suggest going past my due date.  If I don't go into spontaneous labor they would like to induce me right before March 16th.  I'm not thrilled about that, as I think the baby should come when she's ready, but we'll see.  I have some time.

Overall, I have been feeling great.  There have been a couple days where I have been DEAD TIRED, but good quality sleep has seemed to fix that.  I have no swelling going on, which is different from when I was pregnant with Jacob.  I was swelling up quite a bit around this time.  I'm sure the healthy eating, since having GD, has helped a lot with that.  I'm not feeling too anxious...just getting last minute things together and enjoying the sleep while I can.  =)  Hopefully my next post will be pictures of our new bundle of joy!!

Here's a 37 week picture with the boys!
How far along?:  37 weeks and 2 days
Gender:  Baby girl

Feeling anything new?:  More contractions, more cramps....blah
Cravings:  Nothing in particular this week.  Ham & cheese croissants have been so yummy for breakfast, though!

Dislikes:  Not hating anything right now, but I can't eat as much as I could a few weeks ago.  I get full so fast!
Sleep:  I'm sleeping okay right now.   I just wish I had one of those wedge pillows so I could sleep more upright.  Laying flat on my side isn't very comfortable.  

Things I miss:  Walking faster, non maternity clothes.  Haha

How is Sam feeling?:  Excited!!  He can't wait to meet his little girl.  

How your baby's growing:

Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, her lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.)
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

Monday, February 13, 2012

35 weeks!

It's been a while since I last posted.  Sorry crazy nesting issues have kept me from updating.  We're in our final stretch and my stomach can feel it.  I'm kind of complaining right now, but in all honesty this last trimester has been pretty fabulous.  I don't remember feeling half this good at this stage with Jacob.  I'm definitely moving slower and getting tired easily, but not to a point where I can't get certain things done around the house.

What has happened in the last few weeks?  I had my baby shower the last weekend of February, which was awesome!  My older sister planned the whole thing with my mom and it was so much fun.  Audrey is stocked with clothes, diapers, wipes, bathing supplies, and books!  Thank you to everyone who came and to everyone who sent gifts from afar!  We are so blessed.  

My appointments have been going great.  I'm measuring a week ahead as of right now, but the baby is healthy and active.  I have a long appointment tomorrow that will consist of an ultrasound, non stress test, and regular OB check up.  This is all normal for patients with GD.  The ultrasound will check her position and amniotic fluid and the non stress test will check for how active she is and how she responds to contractions.  At 37 weeks I'll have a final ultrasound with the perinatologist over at the hospital.  This last scan will determine how big she is.  They just want to make sure that I have the best chance for a vaginal delivery.  If she's too big for some reason then we can discuss the possibility of a planned c-section.  As of my last perinatal appointment she was measuring perfect and would probably be about 7lbs.  We'll see if that is still the case in a couple weeks!  She is definitely head down and in position.

How is big brother doing?  He's excited for his baby sister to come.  He knows the due date and tells everyone that Baby Audrey is coming March 16th.  Let's hope so.  I was so anxious for Jacob to come out, but with this one I am in no rush.  I want more time to get our house ready and I am enjoying my last few weeks of just mommy and Jacob time.  People are always saying that the transition from one to two is hard, and I have no doubt that it's challenging, but with everything else in life I am sure Sam and I will transition just fine.  I just don't mind if that transition doesn't happen till March 16th!  Haha.

Here are a few pictures from my baby shower.  I don't have a recent belly pic, but I'll post one soon!

How far along?:  35 weeks and 3 days
Gender:  Girl :)

Feeling anything new?:  Feeling lots of hiccups from the baby!  I am definitely having more braxton hicks contractions, too. 
Cravings:  Nothing in particular, but my best friend's Nutella cupcakes are on my cravings list these days.

Dislikes:  No dislikes as of right now.  Everything is tasting pretty good!
Sleep:  Not too bad, although I keep waking up to go pee!  Gotta love when your bladder is being used as a trampoline. 

Things I miss:  Being able to move faster

How is Sam feeling?:  Excited and anxious.  Not only is he going to be a father of two very, very soon, but he is starting a brand new job this Wednesday!  He's my hero. :)

How your baby's growing:
Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, she isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times she kicks should remain about the same. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

Monday, January 16, 2012

31 weeks!!! 9 weeks (or less) to go!

Wow, it's been a while since I last blogged.  Happy new year from the Magtanong family!  The holidays were busy and so much fun.  Jacob had the best time counting down the days till Christmas.  On Christmas Eve he kept asking (literally every 5 minutes) when he would be able to open his presents.  This year's present theme:  Lego!  He's becoming quite the builder, so I don't mind all the little lego pieces that have occupied space in every. single. room. in my freaking house.  =)  Time for a Lego organizing project!!

Magtanong Christmas 2011

My mom's decorations are one of the best parts about Christmas!

Lego mania!

Baby girl is doing great!  I'm in my last trimester and feeling good.  I had an appointment with a perinatologist last Friday for another anatomy ultrasound.  1.  She's still a girl woohoo!  2.  She is healthy and awesome.  I get quite a few ultrasounds because of my gestational diabetes.  Even though it's fun to see her often it's also very nerve wrecking.  All you want at the end of the day is a healthy baby.  She is weighing 3lbs 5oz right now, which is right on schedule.  GD babies (when sugar levels are not controlled) tend to get big, particularly in the upper body, which can make for a difficult labor.  Basically they can look like baby linebackers.  She is head down (yay!) and will probably stay there, according to the doctor.  Let's hope so.

We have our 3D/4D ultrasound on Saturday!  Hopefully she cooperates because on Friday she had both hands in front of her little face.  The sonographer couldn't even take a profile pic for us because she was being so shy.  Haha.  Pictures to come! 

Lastly, here is a pic of my 31 week belly:

How far along?:  31 weeks and 3 days

Gender:  Girl!

Feeling anything new?:  Surprisingly, I have a ton of energy!  Definitely a lot more energy than second trimester.  At this time with Jacob I didn't want to do anything but sit on my couch!  The baby is moving so much and loves to scrape the inside of my belly with her heel, knee, or elbow.  Fun stuff!
Cravings:  I'm always craving sweets.  Lately I've been loving these chocolate protein shakes with a banana, ice, and almond butter.  Yum!!

Dislikes:  Fast food, with the exception of In n Out, is so incredibly disgusting to me right now!  You would think it would be the opposite, but makes me want to puke.
Sleep:  Really great these days!

Things I miss:  Bikram Yoga

How is Sam feeling?:  He really can't wait for his little girl to arrive.  I keep telling him to enjoy these last few weeks of not being a total sucker.  ;)


How your baby's growing:

This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long.  She weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt.  She can turn her head from side to side, and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath her skin.  She's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.

Monday, December 19, 2011

27 weeks!

It has been a couple weeks since I last posted because it has been so busy around here!  Between teaching, Jacob's school stuff, appointments, holiday parties, Xmas shopping etc. I'm not at all surprised that we're all sick (yup - first and hopefully last cold of the pregnancy).  It feels as if Thanksgiving was just last week, and now we're less than a week away from Christmas!  Time is flying!

I had an OB appointment last Tuesday and everything looks great.  I am measuring 3 days early, which is completely fine.  The baby's heartbeat was at 153 - also normal.  She was doing her usual cirque du soleil act in my tummy, so it took a little while for the doctor to chase her down.  Haha.  Jacob helped Dr. Greenberg measure my stomach, and he also got to hold the doppler heart rate monitor for her.  He was very happy that he got to take part in taking care of mommy.  I still haven't gained any weight, but the baby is healthy and growing!  My GD has been a bit of a challenge in the last week or so.  My blood glucose levels have been rising, which is expected at this stage in the game as my placenta is growing.  I have been very lucky and have only had to take a small dose of insulin once a day.  Even with my levels rising my dosage is still not very much.   Eating has been great and breakfast has become my favorite meal of the day!

This past Saturday I turned the big 2-9!  How am I 29 already?!?  I spent the day relaxing, shopping, and attending Sam's company Christmas party.  The following day I had a Korean BBQ lunch with mine and Sam's close family friends (minus a few people who couldn't make it).  I am so blessed to have such a great circle of people around me.  There was a time when I thought living in Colorado (we lived there for a few years and Jacob was born there) was the perfect place for my little family to live long term, but now that we're back home I can't imagine not having our family and friends around us.

Sam's work Christmas party

Family friends minus the kids (they were playing).  This is also my 27 week belly. =)

I hope everyone has a great holiday season!

How far along?:  27 weeks and 3 days

Gender:  As far as I know, still a girl. =)

Feeling anything new?:  The baby's movements feel more like squirms these days versus kicks.  I'm having a hard time breathing with the baby being so high up.  I'm also moving a lot slower these days.  I think I was the slowest walking person at the mall on Saturday.  Ugh.
Cravings:  Sweets.  I've been treating myself to a Ferrero Rocher chocolate here and there.  My favorite!

Sleep:  Not bad considering this nasty head cold.

Things I miss:  Sweets

How is Sam feeling?:  "I find the harder I work the more luck I seem to have." -Thomas Jefferson

That hard work has paid off cause you're having a baby girl! ;)

Other:  I want a chocolate molton lava cake from Chili's!!

This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother her, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.

Monday, December 5, 2011

25 weeks

Only a few more weeks away from my last trimester!  Time is really flying.  I just realized that this is our last Christmas as a family of 3.  Don't get me wrong, I cannot wait for our baby girl to arrive, but there are times when I get a little sad about Jacob not being my only baby anymore.  I know other moms can understand my sentiment.  I treasure my one on one time with Jacob so much, and I know that it will be a little more difficult to find that time once our little girl is here.  I always hear of moms feeling this way; they wonder how they can love another child just as much as their first.  Then they deliver their baby and they realize that they really do have even more love to give!  That's fun.  =)

This week has been tiring.  Sleep hasn't been that great and the baby is moving more and more every single day.  She was head down at the last appointment, which explains all the kicking that's happening higher up in my belly.  The more she grows the more round ligament pain I get.  Round ligaments are in the pelvis.  As the baby grows the round ligaments stretch and can cause pelvic pain.  Basically it feels like someone kicked me in the you know what.  Haha.

We are enjoying the holiday season at our house.  The tree is up and decorated and we only have a few more lights to put up outside.  We have been listening to Christmas carols every single day and watching our favorite Christmas movies (Home Alone 1 & 2 and Elf).  Jacob has a calendar stocking, so every day he moves the little felt candy cane to the right date and finds a treat in the associated pocket.  He gets SO excited and enjoys counting down the days till the big day. I have a decorating dilemma.  The kids are going to have to share a room, which is fine since the baby will be with us in our room for a little while.  I was thinking of going with a neutral wall color and then just personalizing their own side, but then I saw a picture of this room and became obsessed...

I saw this on Etsy because I was looking at wall decals.  I love all the tree and bird/butterfly things they have.  It's so whimsical, calming, pretty etc.  I just don't know if this wall color is too girly for a 4 year old boy to have as well?  What if it's personalized with all the things he likes (cars, dinosaurs, trains etc.) - would that work? 

I also like this dresser:

We got a changing table for Jacob when he was a baby and used it ONCE.  I figured we would get a dresser this time, and if we wanted to we would buy one of those contour changing mats and put it on top.  We are going to hold off on a crib because she will most likely be in a bassinet next to our bed for a good amount of time.

So much to do and only 15 more weeks till my due date!

I'll end this blog entry with a couple of holiday pictures - one of our tree and another of us at Disneyland!

How far along?:  25 weeks and 3 days
Gender:  "Girl you know its true....oooh oooh oooh, I love you."  Name that artist.  
Cravings:  Nothing this week.  It's pissing me off
Sleep:  Not great
Things I miss:  Carbs
How is Sam feeling?:  He told me to post this quote:

"Handing your daughter over to her date is like giving a million dollar Stradivarius (most expensive violin) to a Gorilla." -unknown

A.K.A - Sam is dramatic.
 Can the baby girl just be born first?  Haha! 

Other:  Stroganoff smells disgusting!


How your baby's growing:
Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

24 weeks!

It's been a couple weeks since I last blogged because Thanksgiving was busy around the Magtanong household!  We're blessed to have such great family and friends to share the holidays with.  Now the Christmas season is well under way, and I can't believe it'll be here in less than a month!  Where did the time go?  I looked at a calendar recently and realized that I have only 13 weeks before I am considered full term.  This freaks me out because we have accomplished nothing as far as getting our house ready, buying items etc.!  Well, that's not entirely true.  My friend, Ty, and I did a little damage with the Black Friday sales.  She is due just a week after I am and is also having a girl.  Two pregnant women who are both having girls is bad news when shopping for clothes!!  Haha

I had a doctors appointment today and the baby is perfect.  I am measuring right where I should be, which is a good thing since I have GD (gestational diabetes).  Her heart rate is at 153 and I've gained a total of 1 pound.  She's growing, but I am not.  I'm so okay with that.  =)  My OB said I need to start fetal kick counting at 28 weeks.  The minimum I should be looking for is 10 kicks in an hour whenever she is active.  If it is less than that I should head to the hospital.  I am now scheduled to come in every two weeks just to make sure everything is going smoothly.  I am thankful that I have a doctor who is on top of it!  

Thanksgiving was definitely a test for me and my GD, but I was successful!!  I was able to enjoy all the food (in moderation, of course) and not feel deprived.  My doctor said that my sugar levels would skyrocket the last two weeks of November, since my placenta is growing.  I'm finding the exact opposite; my levels are lower after each meal.  I'm not complaining - the less medication I can take the better.  We'll see how the next few weeks go.  Here are a few pictures from our Pre-Thanksgiving dinner with our close family friends and our actual Thanksgiving dinner:

Delmanoyrabeyes Cermagueztanorenolone (last names of everyone here haha) Thanksgiving Dinner 2011
Yummy food!
Us at Thanksgiving dinner.  Jacob was cranky.  Can you tell? 
The food was amazing! 
Pretty mango tart pie that we devoured.  So good.

 Two days later we got our Christmas tree!  I usually wait till the second week of December, but for some reason I just couldn't wait this year.  There is nothing better than a fresh tree in the house that makes the whole place smell like pine.  I love it!  Jacob was SO excited to pick out a tree.  I thought the holiday season was fun at 3 years old, but it is even more fun at 4!

My cutie pie

Always gotta have a family photo.... ;)
 And lastly, a 24 week picture with Jacob:

Also, check out this fun comparison.  This is me 21 weeks pregnant with Jacob and me 22 weeks pregnant with baby girl!  Crazy how much faster you show the second time around!  I'm carrying so much higher this time, too.

21 weeks in 2007

22 weeks in 2011

How far along?:  24 weeks and 5 days

Gender:  Girl!

Cravings:  Hot sandwiches with Kraft singles cheese.  So good!!

Sleep:  Sleep was TERRIBLE at 23 weeks.  This past week it has been great!

How's Sam feeling?:  He told me to post this quote:

"The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood.  The best way to understand people is to listen to them." - Ralph Nichols

A.K.A - Listen to Bev when she is hormonal and needs to whine and cry.  Or listen to Sam when he wants to talk about wild boar hunting and don't get annoyed.  Hahaha!

Other:  My birthday is coming up and I'm turning 29.  Ahhhh!!!   

Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts her at just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is also growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help her air sacs inflate once she hits the outside world. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.